Health, Beauty and Consumer Product Labels

At CLI we understand how important the “look” of your packaging is to its ultimate success. We offer products and services that ensures your product identity is unique on the store shelf and label construction and materials matched to the environmental conditions and use of the product. We offer cost-effective solutions for large or small applications, in-house art production and flexible inventory management program options tailored to your needs.
Pressure sensitive seals for chemical or moisture barrier applications
Primary and secondary labels
Multi panel re-closeable labels
Re-closeable labels
Shelf Talkers
Clam shell inserts
Tamper Evident and Safety Seals
Non- Pressure Sensitive Tags
Squeezable Tube applications
Paper/Poly/ Foil packets and pouches
Header cards

Consumer Product Labels

Customized Identity
& Look

Primary & Secondary Labels


Squeezable Tube Labels